About us

My daughter and I love to cook, bake and experiment in the kitchen. We love to try new foods and different twist on old favorites. She thinks it would be a good idea to show the masses what we can do.  We decided that Maiden Moon would be a great place to showcase all the ups and downs we go through when we cook, bake, or experiment in the kitchen. We love to have fun in the kitchen, even when the recipe doesn't come out the way we expected it to. we will share recipes, tips, & tricks and even mistakes we make along the way. We hope you enjoy this.  




"Jennifer Cookie": A Blissful Almond Shortbread Creation

There's a cookie in my collection that holds a special place in the hearts (and taste buds) of my loved ones. Dubbed the "Jennifer Cookie" by my siblings, this almond shortbread thumbprint delight has become a household favorite. Allow me to share the magic behind its creation and why it has earned such endearing acclaim.

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Halloween Candy Cookie

I know we are halfway into November and most of us are thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas but still have leftover Halloween candy! I did not have a lot of tricks or treating in my neighborhood. So I had a lot of leftover candy. So why not make candy cookies? I had some browned butter left over from the oatmeal cookie made. I decided to make a brown butter candy cookie. It was really fun to make. I took all the leftover candies I had chopped them up. I made a basic chocolate cookie dough I added brown butter instead of regular butter and all the leftover candy I had. I chilled the dough and then baked it at 350 degrees for about 12 minutes, rotating halfway through baking. Sofia loved them!! She brought them to school, and she said they were gone in a few minutes. The batch that I made was about 2 and a half dozen. I gave some to my employees and they love them. This recipe will go in my recipe book, and I will use it again at easter with easter candy. That will be good.

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Peanut Butter Whiskey Cookies

This past Easter we had an adult easter egg hunt, this is a tradition in my family. After the children's easter egg hunt is over the Adults have one of their own. Instead of eggs filled with candy we have eggs filled with small bottles of booze! One of the bottles of received was peanut butter whiskey. It did not sound to appealing to drink, but to bake with this bottle was interesting to me. I used my 3 ingredients peanut butter cookie recipe and at the end added the Peanut Butter Whiskey. Baked at 350 degrees for about 12 minutes. Sofia thought to dip these cookies in dark chocolate and sprinkles sea salt on them. Well, that was the game changer!Β  These cookies were delicious! We made 2 dozen; Sofia brought her dozen to school, and I brought my dozen to work. By mid-morning she texted say they were all gone, mostly by the teaches. My cookies were gone as well by noon. This was a good recipe I will be making again.Β 

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